Sunday, January 18, 2009

January 18th: Genesis 31, Psalm 35 and Matthew 20

God has this thing about introducing himself in visions. So if you ever have a vision of God, look for it. Now a lot of times (from what I've heard), the intro goes a little something like this. You're sleeping with a stone for a pillow, your four wives are in their own tent, and God shows up. And He says, "I'm the God of Abraham."

But in Genesis 31, God comes to Jacob in a dream. And He says:

"I am the God of Bethel, where you anointed a pillar and made a vow to me."

I think this is my new favorite verse. And here's why... God could easily have said so many other things. He could have said, "I'm your father's God." Or, "I'm the God of the Flood." He could've referenced making everything. But He didn't. He said, "I'm the God of your story. I'm still here. I never left you during this mess that you've been through. Jacob, this journey that you're on in life? I'm the God that's authoring it."

I believe that we need to remember the past. We have to, or some cliche about history and repeating will be rubbed in our faces. But we need to look at what is going on around us and refer to God that way. I imagine that the blind guys from Jericho in Matthew 20 refer to God as, "the God that healed their eyes." And I think God loved it.

Sometimes, I forget that the same God that did the stuff in the Bible is the same God that is doing stuff in my life. He's the God of Lincoln, where He brought me.

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