Wednesday, January 21, 2009

January 21th: Genesis 36, Psalm 38 and Matthew 23

Dear Genesis 36,

I opened you today and was so excited to see how I could grow spiritually. And you, Genesis 36, gave me the genealogy of Esau. Why did you do this? What was I supposed to learn from you?

Mr. G-3-6, I really want to know about certain things... things about stem cell research and deepening relationships and Daniel Diets. But you, provided me with "Timna was the concubine of Eliphaz." How, please tell me, does this help?

There were 42, nay, 43 verses that adorned your chapter. Was there a verse loaded with publishing gems like the Prayer of Jabez? No, no there was not. Simply name after uninspiring name. How will I inspire books with titles followed by "for the kids" (just so you know, I tried writing, Anah Who Found the Hot Spring for the Single Mother in Jersey, but I'm waiting to hear back from Zondervan... keep your finggers crossed!!!).

So I leave you with one simply question. Why Genesis 36? Why are you in the Bible? What value did you hold?

Sincerely, Jon

P.S. Think, Anah Who Found the Hot Spring for the Old Cat Lady at Church Who Always offered Me Gum as a Child and Had a Really Worbbly Vibrato, would be a better bet? Two lines of dialogue and I'm golden.


  1. p.p.s. a few success stories and you are truly on your way, and you'd have to have a flashy cover and it could be no larger than the average palm size.

  2. i just laugh at this blog of yours every time i read it.
