Tuesday, April 14, 2009

April 14th: Numbers 33, Proverbs 24, and John 6

Having just returned from Egypt (so pretentious sounding...sorry), the stations mentioned in Numbers 33 have new meaning to me. 1: That be some rough terrain. We took Toyota Landcruisers around Marah and it was rough even in those. 2: It was ridiculously windy. If you describe the Sinai in two words, the words you choose are windy and dry. And those two elements don't foster clouds for one or a stationary cloud that remains stationary for a year. The Israelites weren't looking around saying, "Which cloud is God again?" He was THE cloud, as in the only cloud in the sky. 3: Camels don't carry any diseases. 4: Alicia drank camel milk 5: Eww.

Those last three points don't have anything to do with the passage but eww.


  1. It was sooooooooooo gross!!
    camels do not produce a delicious beverage, that's for sure. poor little israelites in the sinai desert having to quench their thirst with that nasty-ness.

  2. I am so surprised!
