Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March 4rd: Leviticus 9-10, Psalm 108-109 and 2 Corinthians 1-2

Ok, so the deal is that I'm reading Leviticus as if this is my first time. I get to chapter 10 and Aaron's two sons burn some "strange fire." And God sends fire from heaven (again) and burns these two guys. Harsh. But God is love...right? How do you deal with this? How does this fit into your matrix of beliefs? Is God like a brand new teacher? He had to get His "class" in line then He would lighten up but the cool fun God? But He doesn't change. This is hard.

Is there a parallel for us today?

I would say yes... and no. Uh...sorry...Bible-college-me is saying that because first-time-through-the-Bible-me hasn't read Acts yet. And first-time-through-the-Bible-me is still trying to figure out what "stange fire" is all about. Bible-college-me knows about Ananias and Sapphira. That God struck them down when they lied. But that was a long time ago during the newness of a different age, the age of grace.

The lesson here... When God is doing something new; don't mess around.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you,you challenge me to think.I know that putting "strange fire"in todays vernacular is saying,finding your own way to worship God therefore ignoring His prescribed order of worship,that never gets us anywhere,only deeper in trouble.
    Our best course of action is to acknowledge that"Gods ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts",so whats our best course of action? Should we continue to demand God to bend to our way of thinking,or submit our selves to His way of worship,that is proven Succesful. Just a thought. U.D.
