Saturday, February 28, 2009

February 28th: Leviticus 3-4, Psalm 104, 1 Corinthians 12-13

Leviticus 3 deals with peace offerings, whereas chapter 4 is about sin offerings particularly sins that are done unintentionally. What is the difference between these two types of sacrifice. I'm not sure I can remember off the top of my head.

I seem to be in a little bit of a lull with focus when it comes to reading and writing. What do you do to help you focus more when you can't seem to focus on the reading?


  1. You forgot you're suppose to be reading this like you've never read it before. You aren't suppose to remember "off the top of you head" the difference between the two. Peace offering...was it to make peace WITH God or to receive peace FROM God? Unintentional sin...he forgives without us even knowing what we did...if we come to him and ask. WOW!! It's not like when you were young and your mom made you tell what you did wrong. He just forgives!

  2. Yeah, I thought about that phrasing before I clicked the "post" button. I left it because I couldn't remember if there was an explanation anywhere is Exodus. If you keep reading into Leviticus 5-6, there is a lot more about unintentional sin. Makes me appreciate the grace we live with.

    And seriously, thanks for calling me out. It's a good reminder.
