Friday, January 9, 2009

January 9th: Genesis 17-18, Psalm 19-20 and Matthew 11

I'm going to keep this short, seeing as I'm typing it on my phone. Stupid computer.

Genesis 17. Ok. This is going to be tricky. I'm going to try not to be intentionally vulgar. Yeah, with a warning like that, you know it's the circumcision passage. Now, if you're completely unfamiliar with the Bible, you gotta wonder what went through Abraham mind at God's request.

Abe: "Did you say circumcise? I don't even know what that even... ohhhh. Uh. Really? Why?"

When I put it that way, do you find it a little offensive? It's in the Bible. This is a book we put in our kids hands. We try to get everyone to read it.  And yet we're so familiar with the passage and so polite, we gloss over it. We give the action a fancy big name, "circumcision," make it a theological idea and move on.

But here it is, a practice that has no explanation other than God said, "do it as a sign of our covenant." But here is this story wedged between the flood and God destroying a town by fire.

I have to assume that people that don't read the Bible are so confused while Christians relegate this to tradition furthering the disconnect. I think we need to understand the "why?"

Not sure I have an answer yet. Honesty. Sorry if you were offended.  If so, you're gonna want to skip the book of James and a good chunk of Romans and don't even think about Song of Solomon cause that's just crazy.

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