Tuesday, June 9, 2009

June. After a couple days er weeks off

I want to apologize that I've missed a couple of weeks.  I just finished a bunch of finals in school. I hope to start updating again.  

Joshua 5:11-12

Manna was a miracle. But it wasn't the end goal. It was a sustainer. Something to get the Israelites from point A to point B. The real miracle, the one that God wanted them to focus on was that he was taking them out of Egypt into the land that he had promised Abraham so many years earlier. So now, when they get to the land, the manna stops.

This can be seen as good and bad I suppose. Gathering tiny little seeds? Probably not a great time. But they were there. Everyday. At least there was forty years of history. Now they had to trust God even more. Would He provide food for them in this crazy new land? The safety of the manna was gone. Things tasted better, they were just harder to come by.

Sometimes we focus on the manna as well. We don't see that a blessing is a means of transportation. Instead of looking to the best thing that is coming, we get stuck in the OK thing we have now. The Israelites were guilty of it... and now, so often, so are we.


  1. Writing style shift? Tis is awesome stuff keep it up. U.D.

  2. I have so missed your blogs. They make me step back from the big picture and think about the real story going on. Thanks!

  3. I think that I can get caught up in the opposite. I tend to get caught up with what's coming and end up treating the blessings that are happening in the here and now blase.

  4. I miss these. thanks for posting. :)

  5. i think your next blog should be titled "July. After a couple days, er weeks off" :-)
