Wednesday, April 8, 2009

April 8th: Numbers 26, Proverbs 18 and Phillipians 1-2

Generally speaking, we tend to focus on the big names. Maybe it was John Wayne, Rambo, Elvis or James Bond the one man army. Whatever it was, we tend to focus on the man in front. We love the quarterback and pay no attention to the offensive line.

Take a look at the letter to the Philippians. When you think of this letter, you think of Paul in chains or maybe Timothy sick and almost dying for the gospel. You may know some back story and know that the Philippians "was good people." They gave to Paul out of their poverty. They were like the super church that did everything right.

But the thing that I missed until today was their leadership. Think about it. Paul wasn't always around. There were community organizers that led after the big names left town. Men and women, nameless, forgotten people that lived and led faithfully in the shadows of these great men.

I think that whoever it was that led the Philippians is a great model/hero for the local pastors. If your church grows, you don't have to create a national radio ministry or write a book or speak at big conferences. It's OK to be a pastor. You can be like the leader of the Philippians church...a faithful follower of Jesus that led the only church that was commended by Jesus. And that is pretty awesome.

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