Sunday, April 26, 2009

April 25th: Deuteronomy 10-11, Ecclesiastes 4 and Acts 1

Alicia and I just got a chance to attend the Biola Media Conference. We joke that if being in the media business is all about who you know, we are going to have to meet those people one at a time. I got like a C- for schmoozing.

But one thing was emphasized at the conference over and over: do good work. Dan Rupple (yes, that is the guy from Isaac Air Freight--I wore those tapes out!) said this: "put good work out there and let God use it." Remember, Anita Renfroe? She sang the "mom song." She talked about being a Christian comedian. About the stigma that came with the whole "Christian" part. But she emphasised something. She said that people may judge her for being a Christian but if she did quality stuff, if she made it in the secular market, she would be given a bigger stage to talk about Jesus (she has a sitcom pilot being shot right now with ABC).

Likewise, Ralph Winter said, "I don't care if God is pleased with my films. I care if God is pleased with me." If you've ever called Jesus "Lord" then you need to understand that He really cares that you work hard. He's your master. You're slave driver (and yes, that's what the Greek infers with the whole doulos thing). Jesus cares that you represent him well, not only in your speech but in your trade. "Doing" good work is as much about the product as the actual doing. There needs to be graciousness. There needs to be effort. There needs to be concern. There needs to be love.

I know it's not the normal bible365project post. But it's what I'm learning today.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how many times I've put my head on my desk and said ,God I can't do the best in my strength, but I know you can do the best, I need you to do the best through me. It's what people need and deserve.Eyes-Jesus if you give him your best He will give you His best. Thats what I see you two doing,God is good all the time. U.D.
