Thursday, January 29, 2009

January 30th: Exodus 1-2, Psalm 53-55 and Romans 7-8

Struck again today about the issue of telling lies in the Old Testament. Exodus 1:19-20. Midwives lie to pharaoh. And God blesses them? I thought that lying was bad? Seriously? Suddenly, I understand proponents of situational ethics. Well, I understand how they came up with it. How do we as Christians, as parents, as mentors or leader... how do we deal with verses like this?

And one other thing... If I never read the Bible, are you telling me you put a baby in a boat in the river? What's up with that? This is no joke, I got a ticket for having a kid in a boat without a life jacket (well, not me... the guy that OWNED the boat, but I was there). Moses? Nope. Nothing. No questions.

Normal situation:

Girl: "Hey look a baby in a boat... Can I keep him?"
Mom: "NO. That thing's probably covered in diseases. Do you know where that thing has been? Seriously, put it back. And wash your hands. Those things are expensive and it'll probably grow up and lead a massive rebellion freeing all the slaves and we'll have to start doing real work around here."

OK, so that last part wasn't very normal.

Little heads up for my single friends: There is a serious connection in the first couple books of the Bible between wells and dudes hooking up with chicks. Start digging stat!

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